Bracknell Labour Serving you here

Councillor Mary Temperton’s Update – 5th Jan 2022
You will have noticed the big brown patch on the corner verge of Great Hollands Road, opposite Holland Pines, and on the verges at the top of Wooden Hill. These are to be wildflower meadows. The removal of the grass is required to establish a new wildflower meadow as grass competes very vigorously with our native flora and would not allow the germination of new seed. Weed killer was used to kill off the grass. The other option would have been a mechanical removal of the grass, but the extra work involved in this meant cost would have been much higher. The areas have been seeded with a 100% native wildflower mix which will include poppies, cornflowers, corn marigold, corn chamomile, corncockle along with perennial species such as yellow rattle which will help to keep grass dominance at bay in future. I do understand that there is some concern about these areas at present, but I hope that next year we will see the benefit of doing this work and enjoy the wildflower meadows. They should be beautiful and create a fantastic wildlife corridor for insects, birds and much of our native fauna. I suggested the Council do this wherever possible- so hands up. I am sorry more information was not given out before the grass was killed off. City Fibre have been working in nearly all our roads. I have reported in the complaints where these were needed, but some of the work gangs have done a really good job and caused few issues. Again, more publicity to every resident before this all started would have helped. They did cut through the main cable in Wordsworth. but SSE have now repaired that, and the lights are back on. Not all the potholes were filled in the two car parks in Great Hollands Square because some were ‘too deep’ – don’t shoot the messenger! Also, the filler did not set properly because of the weather! These two car parks will be fully resurfaced next year, but we will have to remove ALL CARS to ensure the whole area can be done. Apparently, this was an issue this time- some cars were left.
Labour Councillor Great Hollands North