Bracknell Labour Serving you here

Heart attack victims across the country face increased ambulance waiting times. The National statistic is now over 1hr 30mins for England for a Category 2 call – that is strokes and heart attacks. In the South West waiting times have risen to over 2hrs 30mins. Here in Bracknell we have a 54 minute wait.
All this against a target of 18 minutes.
These figures are staggering. After 13 years of Conservative rule our NHS faces the worst crisis in its history. The terrifying truth is that patients in an emergency in Bracknell can no longer be sure the NHS will be there for them.
12 years of a Conservative government has brought an under-funded and over-managed NHS to the point of collapse. Labour has a plan to get our health service back on its feet. We would bring about one of the biggest NHS workforce expansions in its history – funded by abolishing the such unfair taxes as non-dom status for the super rich.
The tragedy is that the elections are 2 years away and patients are dieing through the delays in care. To give one example from the Civitas study of comparative health outcomes:-
For every 100 people admitted to hospital with acute myocardial infarction (a heart
attack) in 2019 in the UK, on average 8.1 died within 30 days – ranking it ninth out of
nine comparable countries. The average was seven.
You can read the whole report here.
You can fix this – just vote Labour…