Bracknell Labour Serving you here
Mary Temperton, Leader of the Labour Group on Bracknell Forest Council, proposed a Motion to Bracknell Forest Borough Council to convert more of our verges into Wild Flower meadows.
“Wildflowers are essential for the survival of insects. Insects are essential for the production of food. The insect population in the world is being decimated. Germany did a count from 1989-2016 and found their insect population had decreased by 76%.
We see it here too. We used to regularly have to clean insects from our car head lights and windscreen. Not needed these days as the number of insects has plummeted.
- Insects are essential food for many birds, bats, and reptiles.
- They help the biocontrol of pests
- They recycle dead matter
- They help improve the soil
- They redistribute seeds
But above all- they are pollinators- essential for most of our food production
Different insects require different wildflowers. Lavender is good for bees, but not for most butterflies.
A variety of wildflowers is essential
We have roundabouts sponsored by businesses. Let us ask them to support the planting of wildflowers. We have vast expanses of mown verges-let’s convert some of these, where it is safe, into swathes of wildflower meadows.
We have business parks, let us ask them to plant wildflowers in their area.
I am not asking for all verges and all roundabouts to be converted. I am asking for a will to start looking at this. The mowing regime is different, the contracts will have to change. I acknowledge all this. But where there is a will- there will be a way. I am asking for the will.”
This Motion was passed and is now being applied.
Councillor Mary Temperton
Leader of the Labour Group
Bracknell Forest Council